Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Dear The Vignettes,

God here... I just thought I’d drop you a quick line to congratulate you on your radical sound, awesome stage-presence and all-round stirring performance at Come Together Festival last week.

I read in The Drum Media earlier that your greatest rock ‘n roll moment was when you were “rocking so hard” you fell off the stage at The Hopetoun. This is a funny story. When I showed it to my friend Andrew he thought it was so cool that he couldn’t speak, but also so funny that he soiled himself.

As you may or may not know, since I am indeed God, I invented everything in the whole world. Thus I can take the credit for every awesome 2-piece band that has ever existed. When I first saw a 2-piece band I thought, “Wow, even though they have no bottom end and sound like a dead unicorn’s unattached testicle, it is cool because they are rocking so hard”. I still feel the same way.

And even though the 2-piece-rocky thing has come and gone everywhere else in the world, it is just so great that Sydney still has a band like you. You rock so hard. Your songs are so well constructed and your chord choice is phenomenal. Also, your singing is amazing. Top notch. And the drumming! Well when I made the drummer from The Living End I thought I did well, but after seeing you kick some serious arse last week I know that I made something better in you. Never before have I seen such bad timing and an ability to fuck pretty much every fill attempted. Splendid.

Anyway, keep writing and singing, and hopefully by 2050 you’ll be alright. Unless I kill you, which I have the power to do at any point in time and make it look like an accident.

Kisses from me and everyone here in heaven,
God Almighty

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